Friday, September 2, 2016

Backsplash and other miscellaneous

Kitchen backsplash is in on both the old side and the new side.

Since burning the leftover cheesecloth threads was such an epic fail, the team is just pulling all the nails.  

So it looks like nothing is happening, but this is tedious work that is going to mean a far better result later.  They had finished the smaller bedroom when we were there on Sunday.

The interior of the windows in the master bedroom were being prepped to spray the trim and ceiling paint.

The bathroom floor is finally complete.

The tub "should" be delivered Tuesday.  This will be the third promised delivery date....

And finally for the interior, the mudroom has been sanded.

 For the exterior we FINALLY finished weeding and mulching the cistern paddock.

And decided to keep going with the chicken coop paddock.

Clearly, we still need to kill/remove the hackberry stumps, but those buggers are their own project for another day.

We couldn't finish because the poison ivy had started filling back in and we have to wait for it to die from the spray.  Also because we got too tired.  Like a complete idiot, I must have taken 3 trips before realizing the wheelbarrow had two flat tires.  That made me run out of steam a little early.

That's all from Wisteria Bend for now.


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