Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Before and...not-so-before part 5

Ah the kitchen.  Always a hot topic on those home renovation shows.  Even without a finished product you can really see the potential in this kitchen.  So let's get started.

These are the original 1920s cabinets, complete with glass doors and most of the original crystal pulls. And even though the sink is in rough shape at one corner, we are definitely going to keep it. We were told that underneath the laminate counter is a solid piece of cypress. 

The stove and dishwasher were later additions and of course, the plumbing and electrical for those appliances is frightening. Originally, the house had a wood stove, and you can see the stove pipe cover.  Behind that jog in the wall is a brick chimney that we plan to expose later down the road. It's amazing to me how much more obvious the grime is in the photos. The same weird cardboard wall covering was used in the kitchen as was used in the sleeping room.

Just off the kitchen is a mudroom, which had been retrofit with a washer and dryer hookup, as well as the hot water heater.

The breakfast nook in the kitchen has the most water damage.

Check these two out! And yes, I bedazzled my pink hardhat. 

This was probably one of the filthiest things I've done in my entire life. Decades of dust, dirt, and vermin droppings in the Texas heat.  Yuck.

But you can see that beautiful wood beginning to peek through.

We tried to leave the ceiling for last because we knew it was going to be the most disgusting.

And it definitely was. The ceiling boards were so loaded with dust and nastiness that they came down with very little assistance in eight-foot sections.

It took some serious sweeping and vacuuming to clean up the mess.

And of course, you need proper supervision...

And there she is. Even with the termite damage on the right side you can see the sheen on that wood.

That's all from Wisteria Bend for now.


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